Saturday, May 26, 2012

Warriors Over the Wasatch Air Show

If there is every an Air Show within a short distance from home, I'm usually there.  If the Thunderbirds or Blue Angels are going to be performing, its a must! This year, there are a couple of shows which I had on the calendar, the Warriors Over the Wasatch Air Show was held on May 26-27th at Hill Air Force Base in Ogden, Utah and the upcoming U.S. Navy Blue Angels Magic Valley Show to be held in Twin Falls, Idaho in July.

We knew that the weather would be touch and go as we departed for the show in Ogden and we were not disappointed.  Rain, Rain and more Rain.........  As we arrived at the base, I was questioning if the show had been cancelled due to the masses of people exiting the show.  We stuck it out for an hour or so and the weather finally broke.  It turned out to be really nice since only a fraction of the expected 100,000+ crowd remained.  We were treated to a quick "expedited" air show capped by a nice performance by the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds..........
Yeeeeaaaaaaahh  Feel the power!
F-16 from the 466th gives us a show on departure!
Thunderbird #6 waiting for the show to start
F-16 from the 466th Diamondbacks departs to join the Heritage Flight

An F-16 from the 388th Fightin Fuujins shows it business end after a demonstration
FJ-4 Fury gives us a nice look with the air-brakes deployed

FJ-4 Fury folding its wings after a short demonstration

F-16 From the 466th Diamondbacks pulls a few g's

F-16 and P-51 Join together for the Heritage Flight
F-16 and P-51 Join together for the Heritage Flight
The Red Bull Demonstration Team put in a nice show
A pair of  "slower" planes during an earlier performance

Thunderbirds in the Diamond Formation
Thunderbird #6 does a slow pass in front of the show line

Thunderbirds #5 and #6 in the "reflection pass"

Thunderbird #6 as part of the edge pass
A good time was had by all! Especially me :>)

More "full resolution" pictures can be found on my Flickr account.

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