Friday, May 25, 2012

Memorial Day Salute To My Dad

1st Lt. Donald J. Anderton standing over his PT-17 Stearman.  Probably around the time of his first solo in 1943.  I have been working on touching up the photo (see original below).
1st Lt. Donald J. Anderton, US Army Air Corps  (Original)

Last October, my father passed away at the ripe old age of 88. Dad flew 35 combat missions in Europe with the 15th AF, 455th Bomb Group, 743rd (The Vulgar Vultures).  After his return to the U.S. he was hired by United Airlines and flew for them for 38+ years.

Dad, on this Memorial Day Weekend, WE SALUTE YOU!

Military Honor Guard at Dad's funeral.  October 2011

Dad's marker "military" at the Morgan Cemetery.  Mom is still deciding on the permanent marker

Mom being escorted by Marilyn, Raegan and Kennedy while visiting Dad's grave at the Morgan Cemetery.  Memorial Weekend, 2012

Dad, we love you and you are missed...............


cheeks said...

he is definitely missed by many! great touch-up work on the old photo, very cool :)

Alan C. said...

I salute your dad.
Alan Cockrell
Lt. Col., USAF (Ret.)

Final Approach said...

Thanks Alan!