Sunday, December 7, 2008

We are not alone!

A few weeks ago a pretty significant event happened in the "world" of astronomy. For the past few years, scientists have detected the presence of planets orbiting distant stars. This was achieved by using different techniques such as variation of the stars brightness as a planet passes in front of the star or a slight wobble of a star as planets tug at its star because of the laws of gravity.

The "significant event"! An actual picture of one of those planets orbiting a neighboring star......

All I can say is we are not alone!!!

Here is the star Formalhaut with its planet
The planet has an orbital period of about 650 years. The ring you see in the picture is a ring of dust rock and other debris similar to what you would find between Mars and Jupiter. Formalhaut is blocked out by a filter.
Follow this link for a little more information:


The Gilson Family said...

so is this a different universe? and I am assuming these aren't your pictures, right? Kennedy must have done well with Reflections.

Final Approach said...


Its a picture of a star in our galaxy. No, the picture is not mine.