On August 28-30 marked our 2nd annual "Boise Live Draft" for the Inlaw & Outlaw Fantasy Football League. This year our fantasy draft was held at the Red Lion in Boise, Idaho. Boise seems to be a nice meeting place for the Washington and Utah Managers. This year, Brady (Texas), Jeff (Colorado) and Brett (Ohio) each made a special effort to make the trip to Boise. Only Mark (Family) and Marty (BYU football game ?????? $^#%&#^# Northern Iowa???) did not make the trip. We excused Ric who left on a humanitarian trip to Guatemala. Its tough to blame Ric for missing out, besides he doesn't manage a team anyway. I think Ric's boys only invite him for his credit card!!! :>)
Weekend activities included dinner (Goodwood and Fudruckers), a movie, the flag football game, wiffle ball, THE DRAFT. a game of Risk and a good time catching up on things.
Top: Ben, Jim, Jared, Trevor, Eric Brett, Mike Tom, Me (Rod)
Bottom: Brady, Jon, Matt, Jeff, Mike, Ryan
What a crew......
One of the theme's was 70's throwback. Jared's stash won hands down with Ben a close second.....

My brother Mike (the old man with the grey hair in back) traditionally buys lunch for the draft. This year it was a "Prime Rib Sandwich". Thanks Mike....... Eric ate his in 3 bites. Mike also announces the first round selections and then heckles.......

Complete concentration in the draft room! (Is Matt catching a peak at Jim and Ben's draft Q???)

Holding the "Secret" Vulgar Vulture Draft Book!
After three fantasy football drafts in six days, I think I'm burned out. I haven't even completed the first week of the season!!! This can only mean I will come home from church, check the scores and be grumpy the rest of the day because I didn't start the right guys!!! AAAAAGGGHHHHH, why do I play!